Fibres and fabrics

Cotton is found as seed hair that lies as a protective layer around the cottonseed. Cotton plants are found in different variations. Most cotton plants have white seed hairs as a result of hundreds of years of improving cotton quality. Some of the older and wild cotton types from South America have brown and green seed hair; when these varieties are used in textiles, they are sold as “colorgrown cotton”.

Pima cotton is grown in USA, Egypt and South America and is known as one of the finest cottons. This cotton quality has a golden color and extra long fibers, which gives a strong yarn quality with sheen.

TrueStuff only uses certified organic cotton and yarns that are combed yarn, meaning that the longest cottonfibers are used in its textiles and the shortest fiber lengths are used for other purposes.

Linen is manufactured using the fibers in the stalks from the flax plant. After the stalks are harvested, they are stacked in hedges to dry. The flax is then spread out in the fields and exposed to moisture, rain, dew and sunshine, where the elements, together with the microorganisms in the plant, help to loosen the lengthy fibers from the stalks. Thereafter the fibers go through numerous and lengthy mechanical processes, such that the manufacturing of flax yarn is labour-intensive, explaining the relatively high price compared to cotton yarn. Linen yarns have strong tension and acclaimed absorbation qualities, which is why linen is appropriate for bath towels, dish towels and bedding. Flax is cultivated in a number of European countries and the Far East. TrueStuff linen derives from France, Italy and the Baltic States.
Hemp is a roughter type fiber, which has been used for hundreds of years in the making of textiles and rope. In Denmark, rope makers have used hemp since the 1400’s. The first pair of Levi’s was woven of hemp in 1853. Hemp is a vegetable fiber, which comes from the hemp plant. It has a “sturdy build” with long fibers and is cultivated in several European countries. Hemp fibers are slightly thicker and not quite as long as flax fibers but exceptionally strong. The manufacturing of hemp yarn is similar to that of linen yarn, also making hemp relatively costly because of the labour-intensive processes. Like flax, hemp has acclaimed absorbation qualities for the manufacturing of towels and fabrics. TrueStuff only uses European hemp for our hemp products.
We buy organic Hemp when possible but the supply is rather occacional, - therefore we don´t label our hemp products as organic.